Insomnia Corporation: El cóctel del doctor

By | January 10, 2022

by Insomnia Corporation (website)

Drecera de Queralt, S/N, 08600 Berga, Barcelona


2-6 players

Languages: EN, ES

60 minutes

En su casa, el Doctor está a punto de finalizar su trabajo.

¿Deseáis ver en lo que está trabajando?

¡Aceptad su invitación y venid a conocerle!

Después de recibir la invitación del Doctor,
os encontraréis tomando uno de sus cócteles preferidos.


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Rated 4.5 out of 5

based on 1 pro review

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In the Escape Room’s market there are companies that do more of the same and others that with their original ideas contribute to the evolution of the game, among the latter there are those that were definitely ahead of their time. When I think about my “home country” games like The Vault and Girl’s Room come to my mind. Games that in spite of the time that has passed (more than 5 years!) still made their way into the list of Terpeca’s finalists, because great games, in my view, tend to age well if properly maintained.

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