Elderly Escape Artist

Played: 19 Apr 2024 Time taken: 43 minutes Outcome: Successful escape!
originalimmersivegreat hosting
This room has been built with amazing attention to detail - it really feels like a submarine! There are only a few locks with most puzzles being satisfyingly physical and wholly appropriate to the theme of the room. It's definitely gone into my top few rooms out of 70+ played.  Several really good  'a-ha' moments and some puzzles that we hadn't seen before that were really clever! One particular puzzle had us scratching our heads for a while but was very satisfying when we figured it out. Proper clear ending to the room.Hosting was excellent, thank you to Fenton for being a superb GM! Not over clued and prompt when we asked for a hint. After being disappointed by the Escape Lincoln rooms in the same location we only booked one room at Urban Putters to see what the quality was like. This room was streets ahead of Escape Lincoln, we can't wait to go back and play the other two new rooms now!Enthusiasts and beginners, put Urban Putters on your radar!

Played: 5 Apr 2024 Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!
immersivestory-drivengreat hosting
A great  new room from Tension Twisted Realities! Theming is absolutely spot on with some nice atmospheric touches to really add to the immersion. A good mix of puzzles that fit the theme well and the game flow is excellent. Lots of attention to detail in the room fittings. Hosting fantastic as we have come to expect from this independent escape room centre that also has other great facilities at the same venue.Definitely worth a visit for enthusiasts and amateurs alike, loads to enjoy in this new room. 
Team size: 2 Time taken: 47 Outcome: Successful escape!
Played: 13 Mar 2024 Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!
value for moneyoriginalgreat hosting
Another fun, solid room from Escapologist! We've played all of the games that we can here and they have all been great value for money and a lot of fun. This one is very well themed with a LOT to do for a couple of players, we're fairly experience and scraped out by the skin of our teeth! GM and owner Matt is superb, great at gauging how you're doing and assisting/not assisting as required. Puzzles are varied and delightfully, some that we hadn't seen before, which is great when you have played a few rooms!Overall a great room well suited to small or large groups of players, there's plenty to keep everyone occupied and I doubt larger groups will be bored as several puzzles can be worked on at one. Great value for money and definitely opt for the cocktail at the end1
Played: 13 Mar 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 47 Outcome: Successful escape!
great hostingfamily friendlyunoriginalquite easy
First of all I did enjoy this room. The hosting was excellent, friendly and enthusiastic which is just how we like it. In my opinion, the room isn't for enthusiasts - it's far better suited to one off family holidaymakers as it has no original features and no good a-ha moments. The build quality is good but not as convincing as other games of the same type we have played. Near the end of the room is a big leap from the theme which I have no doubt kids will love but didn't do it for me....! Overall a nice room, fun but not wow, better rooms a couple of miles down the road with much more for your money. Credit to the GM though, utterly lovely and a credit to the place.
Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!
immersivestory-drivengreat hosting😨creepy
Really enjoyed this room! Be warned that if you play as a couple there is a LOT to do, we have done 70+ rooms now and we only had 6 seconds left on the clock! That said we did get bogged down on one puzzle that in hindsight we should have sorted a lot quicker. Theming is excellent and some clever links.
Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!
value for moneystory-drivengreat hosting😨creepy
A fun room, creepy atmosphere with some good jump scares! Very large space so excellent for larger groups. Some crawling involved. 
Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!
value for moneystory-drivengreat hosting
Good fun room with some different puzzles, highly enjoyable! Great host too!
Played: 2 Jun 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 49 mins Outcome: Successful escape!
immersivestory-drivengreat hosting🧟terrifying

Absolutely loved this room.  I particularly like a good scary room and this is an incredibly well themed room that sets itself apart from standard "hide from the serial killer" by having more and appropriate live actor interaction added. It's a large room that certainly tested our search skills and would definitely suit larger groups as well as twosomes. 

The audio in the room has obviously been given careful thought and builds the suspense beautifully through to the climax.

The final puzzle was a unique one that we have never come across before (and probably won't again!) but it was bang on theme and has a twist that is absolutely devious but so, so clever. We were given regular updates on time remaining through our 'friend' on a walkie talkie who also helped us out when we got stuck with subtle hints. This 'friend' stayed in character throughout and helped drive the immersion in the story.

I can honestly say my heart was pounding in this room! The tension is built up gradually and the scares don't interfere with the game play at all, more enhancing it if anything. I've given this room the highest rating as it deserves it. If you like scary rooms, this will be right up your street, go and play it! We've been talking about it since we came out three days ago!!

Played: 26 May 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 45 mins Outcome: Successful escape!
originalimmersivegreat hostingπŸ‘»scary

I love it when new rooms open locally and this room, like the other we have played at this venue is a delight. Theming is particularly good in this room, a lot of attention to detail has been paid and it shows! The rooms are pretty large and lend themselves equally well to larger groups and there is plenty to do to keep all occupied. 

This room can also be played without the scares and I think children of all ages will adore it!  With the live actor it certainly has an edge and the host is great at tailoring the scares to his audience! The scares didn't detract from the game play at all. It has quite a few physical elements to it which made a pleasant change from padlock heavy rooms. 

One particular part at the end is a joy if you are a never-grown-up child like me, no spoilers but I didn't want to leave this particular feature, it was so much fun but again had a scary twist!

A very very playable room for experienced and first time teams, a must do if you are in the area and well worth travelling for!

Played: 19 May 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 48 mins Outcome: Successful escape!

I do like a good independent room and this was particularly good! Scary rooms are my particular favourite and since the elderly partner is pretty much impossible to scare we decided to try Project Mayhem.

First they get a big tick in the box for the enthusiastic and friendly welcome. The room itself is billed as 8/10 for scares and it certainly lived up to the promise! The setting is very well themed, large spaces that would lend themselves to larger groups very well and required comprehensive although not ridiculous amounts of searching. Some really nice creepy moments coupled with some fairly intense jump scares kept the adrenaline high but didn’t interfere with the puzzle solving or game flow. A great variety of puzzles, not too many locks and some great effects too. The fantastic background audio held the theme together beautifully and built the tension towards a clear ending. The props were entirely in keeping with the theme and it is clear that a lot of attention to detail was used in making this room.

We thoroughly enjoyed it and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to experienced or first time escapees!

Played: 1 May 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 49.02 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalimmersivegreat hosting

We had the privilege today to be the first official booking for this new room. Having played the other rooms here which are all first rate, we had high hopes for Siberia and we weren’t disappointed!

First and foremost the theming is absolutely spot on – a lot of thought has obviously gone into making this room as authentic as possible and the props, audio and storyline help to immerse you in the setting. Puzzles are an excellent mix and there are some great a-ha moments in unusual places!

Suffice to say that we loved this room and the hosting was excellent as we have come to expect from this venue. Chris has an obvious passion for his rooms and takes pride in providing a great experience.

Played: 6 Mar 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 53.37 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulimmersivegreat hosting

A really clever room that is beautiful to look at and has a wide variety of puzzle styles. It would appeal to first time escape teams, families and experienced teams as there is plenty to do! As we have come to expect from this venue the hosting (huge thanks to Ava) was superb, clues were delivered promptly when requested and the props were excellent and totally suited to the theming of the room.  

Played: 6 Mar 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 49.29 Outcome: Successful escape!
cleverstory-drivengreat hosting😨creepy

Enigma rooms have never let us down (yet!) and this one didn’t disappoint either. It was a totally authentic hotel room setting with an excellent, humorous briefing from our GM Ava. There were lots of locks but not enough that we got bored and the room flowed logically and provided some great a-ha moments. Suitably creepy atmosphere given the storyline and props (as we came to expect from this venue) were true to theme and led the storyline along well. Thoroughly enjoyed this room, great ending too!

Played: 6 Mar 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 51.20 Outcome: Successful escape!
immersivegreat hostingintense🧟terrifying

This was by far the best horror/spooky room we have done. The room build is top quality, totally authentic to the theme and the props without exception are superb. Our host Kieran obviously knows his stuff – clues came at the right times, scares (which were definitely scary!) came at the right times and the scene setting for the room was excellent. There were some very interesting touches to the room many of which we hadn’t seen before and we’ve played a fair few rooms now. The audio track to the room is especially worth a mention as it really does add to the overall ambience. Definitely a must do for any creepy room fan, I really wish I could play it again.

Played: 17 Jan 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 45.57 Outcome: Successful escape!
immersivestory-drivenbroken tech

This is a really well-themed room - the soundtrack and smells were really authentic. It was let down a little by one puzzle which we were told afterwards had been broken by other players. We wasted time trying to figure out what the puzzle was when it didn't actually exist! One puzzle in the second part of the room didn't fit with the theme but didn't detract from the overall experience.

A good room for first timers or experienced escapees.

Played: 17 Jan 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 51.09 Outcome: Successful escape!

Thoroughly enjoyed this room - great story, some unusual puzzles and the right level of scary that didn't detract from the flow of the game.

Played: 25 Nov 2022 Team size: 2 Time taken: 52 Outcome: Successful escape!

We loved this room. Totally unexpected start to the game but great theming as we’ve come to expect from Enigma Doncaster. Stayed true to the theme as we progressed through the room and again, a good range of puzzles that flowed logically and were visually very pleasing. I enjoyed this room far more than I expected to! My elderly assistant loved the build quality and authenticity of this room too.

Another room to recommend at Enigma Doncaster, the hosting is fantastic and the whole experience is both value for money and immense fun. 

Played: 25 Nov 2022 Team size: 2 Time taken: 50 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulimmersivegreat hosting

How do I begin to describe Arabian Nights? Wow! 47 rooms in and this is my new favourite.

It was incredibly well themed – the props, the music, the build, the atmosphere were all spot on. As, ahem, older escape room enthusiasts, it’s testimony to the strength of the room that we actually more than once stopped and just went, WOW!

The puzzles and build of the room were all completely on theme – lots of exciting moments building up to a very satisfying climax. Several puzzles we had never come across before and the room is very light on padlocks which is always a bonus. This room is absolutely awesome, loved it from the second we stepped in. Very immersive and the clue system has to be one of the best we’ve seen/heard.

I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this room to enthusiasts or beginners and I would bet that children would love it for the incredible attention to detail and visual delight.

Played: 9 Nov 2022 Team size: 2 Time taken: Approx 50 mins Outcome: Successful escape!
clevergreat hosting

I loved this room for one particular thing that anyone who has played it will know straight away but that I can't name for obvious reasons! The Hostage concept has a novel twist to it, certainly an immersive room with some really good puzzles and a-ha moments. We did get stuck at one point but this was due to our lack of (careful) searching and with a gentle prod from our GM we were soon up and running again. The hosting was enthusiastic and fun - it's great when the GMs are up for a laugh and not just going through the motions which is something we have found in other franchised rooms. No problems at all here though, Danny and his sidekick gave a great welcome and ran the rooms with a great sense of humour. Thoroughly recommend this room to beginners and enthusiasts.

Played: 9 Nov 2022 Team size: 2 Time taken: Approx 50 mins Outcome: Successful escape!
immersivegreat hosting😨creepy

As I'm a fan of creepy rooms this fitted the bill nicely! Suitably atmospheric with a good range of puzzles. All of the puzzles were appropriate to the theme of the room - random unlinked puzzles are a particular bugbear of mine!! Hosting was excellent which seems to be the norm in our experience of Enigma rooms (this is our third site visited).

Played: 9 Mar 2022 Team size: 2 Outcome: Failed :-(
illogicalpoor hosting

Generally when we fail a room we still enjoy it but on a couple of occasions we've been so frustrated that the whole experience became a bit unpleasant. This room was one of those.

The game is played in a real prison van - so you have a split start in very cramped conditions. Larger people beware! I'm not a fan of passing articles when a leap of faith is required that it reaches its destination.  We were also briefed that nothing was on the floor or above head height. Both of these locations are used which thwarted us quite a bit as we didn't search where we were told there was nothing to find! There was no flow, a lot of random puzzles that weren't signposted particularly well and whilst we are older than your average escapees we've done a fair few and this was our stinker!!

We failed dismally on this game, we worked out we would probably have needed at least another 10 minutes or so to complete it.  It took a while to get a response when we asked for a clue as it seemed several games were running at once with not enough staff on duty.

Maybe it was down to us but we just didn't 'get' this game at all. Wouldn't recommend it either.

Team size: 2 Time taken: 45 mins Outcome: Successful escape!
story-drivenfamily friendlyquite easy
Team size: 2 Outcome: Failed :-(
broken techpoor hosting
Worst room by far out of 70+ rooms played. Random puzzles having no link to the theme, ridiculously difficult puzzle at one point that even the GM couldn't do when they came into the room to assist.  Ignored by the GM several times when asking for a hint. Poor signposting between clues and tech that didn't work. Absolutely dire game, if it was your first escape room you'd probably never do another.
Played: 8 Jun 2022 Team size: 2 Time taken: 59.30 Outcome: Successful escape!
cleverimmersivestory-drivenquite difficult😨creepy

Absolutely loved this room! Great use has been made of the actual attic of the building and the theming and props within the room are truly authentic. The storyline carries well throughout the room and whilst searching is definitely a skill required it does not overwhelm the game. Some unusual and very interesting twists and puzzles make this a must do game for enthusiastic amateur and experienced escapologists. A definite must play if you are in the Blackpool area.

Played: 8 Oct 2021 Team size: 2 Time taken: 59 minutes Outcome: Successful escape!
immersivegreat hostingepicquite difficult

This is (so far) the best room we have played by a country mile. The detail put into this room is amazing. The puzzles are perfectly themed and the room flows well. It really is a visually impressive room which just keeps giving a-ha moments. The hosting for all of the rooms at Enigma Retford is absolutely fantastic too, we look forward to the new room opening to give us an excuse to go back!

Played: 15 Jul 2022 Team size: 2 Time taken: 49 minutes 39 seconds Outcome: Successful escape!
cleverstory-drivengreat hostingquite difficult😨creepy

I do have a penchant for scary/spooky rooms so this was a real treat for me! Loved the story and the entry to the room was unusual and impressive. The theme carried well throughout the room and the soundtrack and clever use of lighting really enhanced the experience. The hosting was nothing less than great, having played all of the rooms here we have never had anything but lovely service.

This room is a must-do if you're in the area!

Played: 29 Dec 2022 Team size: 2 Time taken: 53 mins Outcome: Successful escape!
immersivestory-drivengreat hosting

By far the best bank heist room we have played! Extremely well themed, puzzles suited the environment very well and the flow of the game was excellent. Some really clever twists in the plot that serve to make this a cut above the average bank robbery game.

The ending has been cleverly done to ensure maximum adrenaline pumping and a real sense of urgency to escape. Thoroughly enjoyed this room!!

Played: 24 Sep 2021 Team size: 2 Time taken: 35.06 Outcome: Successful escape!
clevergreat hosting

I'm not usually a fan of this genre of room - the whole bomb defusing thing leaves me cold BUT this is a great fun room! One particular feature that I can't name without ruining the experience really made it for me and my elderly other half, we came out grinning like mad. Great range of puzzles, some we hadn't seen before or since. Fab hosting from a genuinely enthusiastic GM. All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable room.

Showing 50 of 65 games