Your team have been wrongly incarcerated! Having been paid a large sum of money the warden refuses to let you leave the facility.
You've been working on escaping for months and now is the time, get out the cells and break into the wardens office and disarm the security systems. He'll be back in an hour though.
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Played: 17 Mar 2024Team size: 2Time taken: 46Outcome: Successful escape!
originalcleverquite difficult
Great escape room, had 2 missing pieces of a puzzle for our escape but managed to guess it correctly, won't say anymore than that. Great little escape room, got the brain working. Slightly easier than we expected but definitely one to do if you're in the area
Unoriginal prison break setting but saved by the fact it is in actual cells from the old courtroom. We were confused by the fact that when we escaped there were still locks on items that we hadn't needed to open and we were told that they weren't needed! Good hosting but a tired room.
Friendly hosts who were accommodating and some fun moments of solving puzzles but otherwise a standard prison themed escape room. Half our team did end up standing around not really doing a lot whilst waiting for the other half to complete puzzles in order to free them from an area.
Our game was ruined a little by the final puzzle being broken despite retrying it several times.
Great immersion in the fact that your playing within actual prisons of the past. Other than a pretty straightforward prison break escape room. Pretty similar to any others of its type
If there had been less of us this room might have been better but there weren’t many puzzles and although we were assured it was even split of puzzles for those inside and those outside the cell, it wasn’t. Our players in the cell spent a lot of time waiting for a puzzle they could be involved in.
Get ready for a split start unlike any I've seen before. Communication is key more than ever, you are actually playing in the real cells (the venue was a former courthouse) that used to be used. There's a lot to do so I would advise a party of 4 but having said that we were literally on the last puzzle when the timer expired but this was a lot of fun and, for my money, the best game at the venue.