Played: 19 Nov 2022 Team size: 4 Time taken: 47.00 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulcleverfamily friendly

Superb game - Lots to do and the theming was fun too! 

Played: 12 Jan 2023 Team size: 3 Time taken: 27 Crystals Outcome: Successful escape!

Its an amazing game - Can't say too much without spoiling it! There's a reason this game has a reputation.  

Played: 25 Feb 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 59.55 Outcome: Successful escape!

This room looks incredible and we really enjoyed the theming! The room is plugged as CQ hardest game.  I think there's a fine line between a difficult game and ambiguity. The puzzles themself we flew through and spent a good portion just wondering what we had to do next. 

Our host was amazing and we enjoyed the game but we left with the overwhelming feeling the game wasn't just for us. 

Played: 19 Feb 2023 Team size: 3
originalcleverfamily friendly

Probably my favourite game out of the 4 games here! The game flowed very nicely, there's lots to find and we had fun playing it! 

Played: 21 Jan 2023 Team size: 4 Time taken: 55 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalcleverbroken tech

Another great entry from Cluequest. Some clever use of tech in this room - However unfortunately something was broken and our host had to enter to fix it. (Although this was done very cleverly) 

Played: 12 Nov 2022 Team size: 3 Time taken: 45 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalcleverfamily friendly

Our first experience with Cluequest! - Great little game with lots to do.

Played: 19 Mar 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 56.00 Outcome: Successful escape!

We returned to play Reverse after having a great experience in Remys yesterday. We returned without the younger members of the team this time as we were aware this game is a little trickier! 

This is one of the best games we've played in a long time! puzzles were refreshingly different, the use of space was interesting and there is a mix of padlocks and technology.  Our host was lovely and accommodating and gave us just the right nudges to push in the right direction. 

Cluefinders is a hidden Gem in Liverpool! Dont miss it!

Played: 18 Mar 2023 Team size: 4 Time taken: 48.54 Outcome: Successful escape!
cleverimmersivefamily friendly

Remys is a very traditional escape room and has a variety of padlocks (but never too many at once) Amazing use of space some very clever puzzles in this game. 

We played as a family, and even though our kids were younger they quickly got stuck in. Remys was an ideal first-time room for them both. As a side note, my youngest is Autistic, and we were worried about bringing him., but the gentleman who look after us was amazing with everyone and reassured us that everyone would get stuck in, and we did!  

There's a reason this game is one of the highest-rated in Liverpool - If you're in the area don't miss it!