Lakes Escapes: Dr Frankenscraft’s Monster

By | February 22, 2021

by Lakes Escapes (website)

Stanley Street, CA14 2JD



Player review

Review by Anne expert

Rated between 40 and 40 out of 5
Played: 19 Jul 2021 Team size: 2
family friendly😨creepy

A clear mission and fun steps to get there. We really liked Dr. Frankencraft's Monster - the digital version. The room was digitized on the platform telescape which make sure we can use an inventory (a crate at our feet) and combine items by using keywords. This was well digitized though it was an early version, and we did not have technical problems during the game.

This was a very family friendly room with the only creepyness being bodyparts and lightning sounds - and of course bringing a monster to life. 

We really liked the puzzles here. Weighing, connecting wires, snakes, magnets and so on were great. We did think that there was a bit of information overload with all the locks visible (a very lock-based game), a diary and a book, but with a few of those puzzles out of the way, we were happy again. We did jump the gun on a few puzzles since we could solve them without the clue given later. Since the game was multi-linear (you could say non-linear), that was easy. 

We think the game could be improved by using proximity more as sign-posting. That the code found/extracted/calculated should be used near the items that gave the code. We did have to use some time trying out the different locks. 

The theme was well executed and we loved the ending. Well done. 

Anne has played 140 games - see all ratings and reviews

See also

Other versions of this game:(Different copies of the same game sometimes have significant differences.)