Peter Hoare

beautifulstory-drivenintensequite difficult

A huge room, that just keeps on going and going. Quite hard for a team of two, same as the other rooms at Tulleys. 

Played: 29 Nov 2024 Team size: 2

Another great room, expansive with some great technology and surprises. Quite hard for a team of two. 

Played: 29 Nov 2024 Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulhi-techoriginalquite difficult

Amazing, expansive room, with a great split start and some really amazing surprises. Quite hard for a team of two, we overran but they let us keep going as we had said we wanted to see the whole game. 

Played: 2 Nov 2024 Team size: 3 Time taken: 45 Outcome: Successful escape!
hi-techimmersivequite easy

Another good room, no padlocks at all, no keys, no combinations or codes - which I find very refreshing. Everything was automated, lots of moving parts and motorised stuff, all which worked flawlessly. Good sound effects and music which all synchronised perfectly with the game. 

Some good puzzles, creative and clever tricks and elements. 

Why this venue does not have a golden padlock, I can't work out. This room and the alien encounter are both really decent. 

Played: 1 Nov 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 58 Outcome: Successful escape!
clevergreat hostingintense

A really great game, one of those that continues to surprise as you work through. Lots of unique puzzles, its clear the designers made an effort to come up with their own unique games, rather than be inspired too heavily by the more standard escape room puzzles. 

Great host, and by the sounds of it, working on another room in the same building. 

Surely a future golden padlock location. 

Played: 12 Oct 2024 Team size: 3 Time taken: 74 Outcome: Successful escape!
hi-techoriginalintensequite difficult

This is surely a future golden padlock room. Probably one of the most impressive builds ive seen, loads of technology, loads of automatic moving stuff and it all worked flawlessly. The story has twists and turns, surprises and choices to be made. It really is quite special, and not a padlock in sight. One not to miss. 

I would personally recommend teams of three or four. I think it would be hard to do as a two and some of the story elements are more suited to teams of three or four. 

Played: 5 Oct 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 48 Outcome: Successful escape!
cleverimmersivegreat hosting

Great room, great hosting. Some unusual quirks with the hosting at the start that we weren't sure of at first but the hosting was done in a very immersive way without being too annoying, so it worked out well and we loved it. 

The room itself was full of surprises, some good unique puzzles and a fun ending. 

Played: 2 Oct 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 59 Outcome: Successful escape!

A nice room with one particular surprising high tech element which was really fun and worked really well. An awful lot of locks and keys, but some original puzzles that were very satisfying to work through once we had worked out the solution. 

Played: 2 Oct 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 59 Outcome: Successful escape!

Nicely themed, with a good heist ending 

Played: 4 Sep 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 72 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalclevergreat hosting

Great room, with some puzzles and ideas id never seen. 

Played: 4 Sep 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 75 Outcome: Successful escape!
cleverimmersivegreat hosting

Another great room, some very unique puzzles, good technology, some good plot twists and nice surprises. 

Played: 4 Sep 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 78 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulhi-techimmersivequite difficult

When we heard this venue was closing, we rushed over before it was too late. very glad we made the trip. One of the most high tech and immersive rooms ive seen, and not a single padlock, key or anything in sight. All automated, and everything worked. A shame its closing. 

Played: 31 Aug 2024 Team size: 3 Time taken: 52 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulfunnygreat hosting

Our third and final room here, and its a shame there aren't more. The hosting here is like nothing else, very theatrical, the games hosts are very in character and do not break at all. The hosts were amazing (Rusty and Brandy). The game itself was really well themed, well maintained, everything worked. There was one puzzle that made no sense to us, and even when we had been spoonfed clues, it still didn;'t make sense. When we finally got it, it was a bit disappointing to realise what the solution was, as it just seemed like a really badly thought out puzzle and I cant image many people get it without help (although maybe they do?!) 

The rest of the game was great though, great start, great ending. 

They also somehow remembered us from last time, and one particular incident involving a bottle of mayonaise that I had with me last time, and im not sure how because the two hosts we had today were not involved with that, but somehow they recognised us anyway and dropped a little private joke in, which is very impressive. 

Played: 31 Aug 2024 Team size: 3 Time taken: 48 Outcome: Successful escape!

A nice room, very well maintained, some nice automated stuff and technology, and some nice surprises. The puzzles were very logical and well signposted, we finished this witihout a single clue in 48 minutes. Im not sure if it was easy or if it was just so logical that it flowed easily. It felt challenging, had a good time. 

Played: 9 Aug 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 55 Outcome: Successful escape!
story-drivengreat hosting

This is apparently the oldest room at Paradox Parlours, and I was nervous we were going to walk into a padlock salesman's showroom, but no, despite this being their first room, it has been well maintained, the scenario matches the surroundings and theres a good amount of automation and technology in there. A good storyline, and one particularly interesting puzzle that feels like it just keeps on going right til the end (but in a good way) 

Played: 9 Aug 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 47 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalimmersivestory-drivenquite easy

I was intrigued about this room, and it turned out to be nothing like I imagined. Theres some very creative fun puzzles, some stuff ive not seen before, and some nice technology. 

Played: 9 Aug 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 50
originalfunnyquite easy

Our first room at paradox parlours. I had heard about the high tech nature of this, so was looking forward to it. Others have said its small, but I don't think that feels obvious when you are playing. Its not cramped, and certainly dos not feel small.

Unfortunately for us, one of the main technological elements crashed half way through, it did not impact the game play but we did miss out on some of the interaction. The team at Paradox parlours could not have been more apologetic and they refunded 100 percent to us before the game was even over. Can't complain, still had a great time. 

Played: 18 Jul 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 47 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulimmersivegreat hostingquite easy

A nice room, a good combination of locks and automatic stuff, a very interesting addition to the clue delivery system that id not seen before too. 

We found it quite easy and flew through it relatively quick, the puzzles are logical theres nothing confusing, no red herrings or anything that takes a frustratingly long time. 

A good well thought out fun room with lots to see and do. Will be back to do the other one. 

Played: 13 Jul 2024 Team size: 3 Time taken: 48 Outcome: Successful escape!
hi-techimmersivegreat hostingquite easy

Our first room here, the theming is incredible, nice and high tech, lots of new areas to uncover. Great host who stayed in character throughout. We found it a little easy, it would have been nice if there were a few more elements in there to make it last a little longer, particularly in the final area. 

Played: 13 Jul 2024 Team size: 3 Time taken: 58 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulhi-techgreat hosting

Our second Hounds room of the day. The host was more in character than anyone thats ever lived, an extreme level of being in character, she flawlessly delivered the setup and ran the room all without dropping it for a second. 

The room was great, good start, good end, some nice puzzles and quite high tech. 

Played: 10 Jul 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 65 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalcleverimmersivequite difficult

This was our first EO room, and the whole no shoes thing was intriguing but made total sense when we got in there. Some unique and interesting puzzles, but of all the EO rooms we have done, this is the one that we felt the most disconnected from, some of the puzzles were simpler than we realised and we over thought and wasted a bit of time. We had a great time but there was some frustration which was entirely our own fault - learned a lesson not to over think stuff. 

Played: 10 Jul 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 59.59 Outcome: Successful escape!

A fun room with a split start, with some clever and unique collaboration puzzles between the two starting rooms. The main area of the room is really fun, well themed and again with lots of fun puzzles and a heist style 'puzzle' dump at the end gave a really fun tense suspenseful ending. 

Played: 10 Jul 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 63
story-drivengreat hostingintense

I was nervous going into this, having always avoided 'scary/creepy/horror' rooms, and having one bad experience in the past, I was apprehensive, but I didn't need to be. The hosting was respectful, no gratuitous jumpscares or distractions, so you were free to get on with the puzzle solving without too much fear.  A great room in its own right, with great theming and hosting. 

Played: 10 Jul 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 49 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalstory-drivengreat hosting

Great room with a great start, some interesting unique puzzles, some nice surprises and great hosting from an absolute escape room addict, overflowing with escape room passion and care.

Played: 28 Jun 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 76.16
hi-techstory-drivengreat hosting

Our second room here after doing Pathogen. Again, a very high tech, well themed exciting room, with levels of technology ive never seen before in an escape room - and it all worked flawlessly. Some great puzzles and games, and great hosting again. 

Shame these guys only have two rooms. We will be back as soon as they open anymore. 

Played: 28 Jun 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 76.02 Outcome: Successful escape!

I wish more escape rooms were like this. So well integrated, so much custom technology which worked flawlessly. Barely a single padlock in sight. Immersive, clever, perfectly maintained, great hosting, some amazing props. 

I really wish more escape rooms were like this, this is the perfect combo of theming, puzzles, technology and hosting. 

Probably will rank among the best ive done so far. 

Played: 28 Jun 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 55
value for moneygreat hosting

A nice room, although quite basic in its theming and mostly key and lock driven, some good puzzles and a rather unique start which was very creative and surprising. 

Great hosting too by someone who is clearly an escape room enthusiast - the best type of GM. 

Played: 8 May 2024 Team size: 3 Time taken: 86 Outcome: Successful escape!
A good room, with some theming elements id not seen. As seems normal with Darkmaster, the technology is really plentiful, well done and worked perfectly. Some really good special effects. The only thing I would say is the ending is a bit surprising in a way id not class as good, we did wonder for a second if there was some technical problem right at the end. 

Well worth doing. 
Played: 8 May 2024 Team size: 3 Time taken: 100 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulhi-techquite difficult
Id say this is probably one of the hardest rooms we have done. There is one puzzle close to the start that took us about half an hour to do, maybe it was just us, but after 10-15 minutes we really wanted it to be over to move on to the next stage. It was quite frustrating, but other than that, the rest of the room is great, with some big surprises, amazing theming and some of the best escape room technology ive seen, and it all worked perfectly. 
Played: 1 May 2024 Team size: 3 Time taken: 61 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulmagicalquite difficult
A nice room, apparently very new. Good story, good theming and set. My only criticism is there are an awful lot of padlocks, probably more than any other room I have done, and after stooping down to enter a code into a tiny little lock for the 10th time, it does wear a little thin. It would have been nice if there was a bit more automated electronic unlocking of things, and a few less padlocks. 

That said, the puzzles were great and the clue delivery system was really cool and very in keeping with the theme. Some nice surprised and magical moments. 

Definitely worth doing. 
Played: 28 Apr 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 55 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifuloriginalgreat hosting
The most out there and different escape room experience i've seen so far. The theming is incredible and the way the game is built into the room is really unusual. Its a split start and you are actually chained up (although in a fire escape safe way). 

The hosting was probably the best ive had, with the game masters costume and character and humour all being perfect. 

Worth playing purely for the originality and unusualness, let alone the rest. 
Played: 27 Apr 2024 Team size: 3 Time taken: 55 Outcome: Successful escape!
value for moneygreat hosting
Took some friends here for their first ever escape room, and luckily it made a good impression, they both enjoyed it and sounds like they will be doing more. The room is fun with some unique puzzles id not seen before. Great hosting too. 
Played: 9 Apr 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 59.48 Outcome: Successful escape!
hi-techimmersiveintensequite difficult
The first time I had done a room where your team is split up to start with. That was interesting, and working together from different rooms was a new experience for me. The room feels quite high tech, lots of things that operate moving props and lights etc. The theming was really good, immersive and convincing, and there were some puzzles in there you really had to concentrate on. 

Will be back for the second room. 
Played: 8 Apr 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 62 Outcome: Successful escape!
What an amazing thing to find down a muddy lane in an old workhouse. Amazingly well themed, some really well integrated technology that most escape rooms seem to shy away from for fear of reliability issues. Some good puzzles, and some nice surprises. 

This venue is so out in the sticks, and currently with only one room, I think it would be easy to overlook it if you were an enthusiast looking for a day out, but this one is 100 percent worth a detour for. Loved it. 
Played: 8 Apr 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 55 Outcome: Successful escape!
I have done a few train rooms before, but this was the first one that was actually shaped like a train. Moving through in the way its laid out makes a lot of sense, and this was the best themed room we have done at this venue. Some original things I had not seen before. 
Played: 8 Apr 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 59.59 Outcome: Successful escape!
A good room, although at times got a bit confused and a bit stuck, and some moments felt a bit illogical. It was a race to the finish for us though, which was exciting 
Played: 7 Apr 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 59 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalgreat hostingmagical
A good room, shame its closing. Theming in one area is a little off, it felt a bit like a kids play room. Some good magic moments though, in keeping with the theme. 
Played: 8 Apr 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 55 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalstory-drivengreat hosting
Some great puzzles, although I think a little let down by the room theming, It felt a little simple, painted walls etc. Not as heavily themed as other similar rooms I had seen. Worth playing though, and had a good time with it. 
Played: 16 Mar 2024 Team size: 3 Time taken: 60 Outcome: Successful escape!
hi-techoriginalintensequite difficult
One of my favorite so far. The first half of the game feels like a normal escape room type set of puzzles, but then turns into a multiple non linear puzzle type style for you to attempt to bag as much money as possible. 

Some great technology (which all worked) and was genuinely impressive.
Played: 9 Mar 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 58 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalclevergreat hosting
Quite challenging for two but we felt like we did well and got to the end with a minute or two to spare. Again some original new things ive not really seen before, along with some familiar lock and key and code type puzzles. 
Played: 9 Mar 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 59 Outcome: Successful escape!
Good room, lots of original things i've not seen before. Quite lock and key based but enjoyed it. 
Played: 27 Feb 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 42 Outcome: Successful escape!
Clever use of space and an unusual theme. Some pretty unique puzzles too. A more lock and key based game than the other room we tried there, but all in all, we enjoyed it. 
Played: 27 Feb 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 82
beautifulgreat hostingepicquite difficult
A great room, lots of chambers and little crawly spaces to get into. Some very hard puzzles, one of which we were told we are the only people ever to complete without a clue so... that was flattering. 

Well worth doing. 
Played: 18 Feb 2024 Time taken: Not sure Outcome: Successful escape!
illogicalbroken tech
I didn't realise escape rooms could be this bad. It shouldn't be allowed - if this was your first escape room ever, you'd never do another one.
Half the puzzles didnt work and were out of action, effectively written out of the game, there was zero chance you woudl complete this without practically being talked through it by the game master. It was horrendous. So bad that as soon as we walked out, we booked another room somewhere else in Reading. Couldn't leave on such a downer 
Played: 18 Feb 2024 Team size: 3 Time taken: 55 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalstory-drivengreat hostingquite difficult
Another good time trap room, great storyline and premise, original and unexpected. Some really good puzzles, and the hosting/clue giving was really thoughtful and well timed. Im sad I have run out of Timetrap rooms now. 
Played: 28 Dec 2023 Team size: 3 Time taken: 52 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalstory-drivenquite difficult

The two parallel rooms is clever, and I think the first ive ever done where you go out of the room during the game...?! 

Think pudding lane is better, but this is still worth doing. 

Played: 17 Dec 2023 Team size: 3 Time taken: 59 Outcome: Successful escape!
hi-techintensequite difficult

The room initially felt like it was going to be an absolute nightmare, but turned out to be fairly logical and not too hard to get through. The second stage had the same feeling to begin with but as long as you read all the instructions you find, its not too bad. There was one glitchy bit of technology that held us up a bit though. 

Played: 17 Dec 2023 Team size: 3 Time taken: 59 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulgreat hostingmagical

Really amazing design, and a lot of very clever technology that all worked properly. Hosting was great from an actual live magical wizard in very convincing beard and green cloak, who looked similar but not identical to the guy that showed us in when we arrived. 

Played: 17 Dec 2023 Team size: 3 Time taken: 59 Outcome: Successful escape!
intensequite difficult

Quite hard, a lot of teamwork and communication required. Lots of yelling round corners and through walls. The music and effects ramped up as time ran out which was fun. Good hosting. 

Played: 7 Dec 2023 Team size: 3 Time taken: 59.55 Outcome: Successful escape!

Makes it to the top of the list for strange locations for an escape room - its in a kind of mezanine area overlooking a large family swimming pool, and you access it by walking through the pool room...! 

Nice room though, air conditioned which was very welcome as it was very hot everywhere else because of the pool. Theming was fine, not the kind of room you walk into and your jaw drops, but the game was fun, puzzles were mostly good, some were quite hard to understand. 

One weird thing though, the game master would just randomly come in the room to near enough help us. Never had that before. Clues were delivered via a screen, but sometimes, the GM would just walk in and give the clues that way. I thought that was rather strange. It breaks character and kind of ruins the flow. 

Showing 50 of 66 games